Reasons why I love you 馃槏


I love you because... 

- I love you because you are mine, because we are one, because we have became a couple and a powerful one.

-I love you because I can trust you, you are my personal journal and I couldn’t be more excited to tell you everything I know.

-I love you because you are the first person I think about when I wake up and when I go to sleep. 

 -I love you because you are the person I think about when exciting things happen in my life (and even the bad ones).

-I love you because you are always here for me, to hear me and make me feel better.

- I love you because we smile together.

-I love you because you trust me, because you have learnt to trust me and tell me your fears. 

-I love you because we have grown together, of our personal mistakes and our mistakes as a couple. We have learnt so much about how to treat each other and I hope that process is eternal. 

-I love you because we make each other stronger.

-I love you because we make each other a better person.

-I love you because you don’t leave me alone in the nights, you sleep with me and I feel you tight. 

-I love you because you have basically became my teddy bear who I can’t sleep without and you have became my everyday breakfast. There’s nothing else I think about than to talk to you when I wake up. 

-I love you because we are always open to fix our fights.

-I love you because you support me on the things that I want.

 -I love you because you are smart and intelligent, I could even say the most intelligent and smart man I have ever known. 

-I love you because for you I want to be smarter, I want to get better. For you I want to start reading again, for you I’m working out again, for you I’m happy again. 

-I love you because I have always my best friend there to love me, support me and hear my crazy thoughts. 

-I love you because you became my boyfriend and best friend at the same time. 

-I love you because we represent strongly each other, we are perfect for each other and a perfect couple.

-I love you because you help me to keep smiling even when I feel like there are no reasons to smile. 

-I love you because you have let me love you, because you once told me that thanks to me you can love again and that sentence changed my life. 

-I love you because I never get bored, literally there’s ALWAYS something to talk about, a game to play, a competition to win or a nap to take with you.

-I love you because we have gotten to that point where we are comfortable with each other, to do casual day to day stuff being together.

-I love you because you have helped me to keep believing in love too, even after I also thought it would be almost impossible to find a love like this.  

-I love you because even tho I’m always scared, you are sure that we will be able to make our dreams as a couple come true and I always need that. 
-I love you because you help me to keep the magic and sparkle inside of me, you always make me feel like a little princess that lives in a fairy tale and only you can do that. 

-I love you because we accept each other for who we are. Literally you are the only person that knows everything about me... what I like, what I don’t, what I’ve done, what I want and desire... and I think that not even gold could beat the precious price of that.

-I love you because I’ve always felt comfortable to say whatever I believe in and we are so much alike that I feel you close to me, bestie. 

-I love you because not even in the dark days or in the worst mood you never abandon me with my own mind. I know it’s difficult, but we have made so much progress that it makes me more attached to you. 

-I love you because we have the same kinks. We literally like the same things even tho I haven’t done them and that makes my connection to you to go to another whole new level that drives me even crazier about you.

-I love you because you care about my needs, you understand what I want and what I like and you always go for it. It’s like, I feel like your princess and that I’m your focus and attention (in the dirty way) and also in the nice one.

-I love you because you give me as much attention as I give to you, as well as the affection. We are literally the sweetest ones with each other and we always find a way to make our love be the cutest with new names and experiences all the time.

-I love you because I know you are the best of the best boyfriend ever and you are so loyal to me and I couldn’t appreciate that more. 

-I love you because you know how to treat women, you know how to be Prince Charming and you know how to always blow my mind.

-I love you because you have the exact recipe to make me blush, to make my heart rush and to make me feel goosebumps of love all of the time (even tho I don’t always admit it 馃槼).

-I love you because even tho you are a busy man, you work, you study, you read, you workout, you go out with your friends and you spend time with your family, you ALWAYS find your way back to me. 

-I love you because even tho we are far away from each other, I feel you so close to me and I’m so used to you and I love you so freaking much that your heart has became my home. 

-I love you because even tho when I’m grumpy or you’re grumpy we can tell jokes at each other. 

-I love you because we mock each other in a healthy way and we always have our crazy competitions that the most of the time I hate but still make me love you even more. 

-I love you because you listen to me when there’s an advice I have for you, because you understand that we are equals and we are one. 

-I love you because I know you can keep my secrets and you don’t judge me at all, and that is priceless.

-I love you because I know you could cook so delicious for me and I could cook as delicious or even more yummy for you. 

-I love you because you always find the way to keep the spark alive in the relationship (and if you ask me, the honeymoon phase will last as long as we want it to).

-I love you because you are beautiful, you are kind and have a beautiful heart even tho sometimes you think that you deserve less. There’s something that says that you let yourself receive the love that you think you deserve, but let me tell you that I’ll always try harder for you to let me go deeper in your souls because to my eyes (the eyes of the beholder) you deserve everything and beyond from this universe. 

-I love you because I can’t even understand how much I love you, I can’t even understand how I’m such a sucker for you and how I always go back to you. You have literally became my weakness and even tho every little harsh thing I feel it in my heart and makes me sad, I’m able to do it for you. 

-I love you because I know you would always take me out on dates, you have literally showed me that you are the man of my dreams and my Prince Charming and I can’t wait for you to come to Valencia so I can make you mine. 

-I love you because we have became a couple in distance even tho I thought it was impossible and all that it makes me think about is that magic and fate are real. 

-And finally, I love you because you have became the only person I want to spend my life with. 


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