When we met and when we will meet 馃枊馃挄

Once upon a time, I was there
Alone and bored
I looked up to do something
Well, I couldn’t do nothing more
I found this website,
Yellow its logo was,
And with time I discovered something
That completely changed my life.

More than a poem 
This is a story 
About a boy and a girl 
That found their path 
Not in the forest, not in the sand 
The path to both of their hearts.

In the shine of modern love 
In the smiles of modern solutions 
Just in an app I found someone 
That with a slide, apparently, we made contact 

Hey! How are you? 
Fine, how are you? 
I’m great.. you wanna talk in snap? 
And poof... a prince he always was 

On top of my head I couldn’t say the time 
But I’m sure the 20th of September it was 
You know what they say, well, on the most regular days 
You find the highest point of happiness of your life 

It started with baseball chats 
With me being embarrassed because I wish I knew more馃槶
Then we started talking like friends 
Wanting to know about each other even more 

Everything started with small smiles 
Silly smiles when I looked at my phone 
Of us playing who could answer fast 
And then I couldn’t let you go 

It sounds easy to say that we fell in love 
But love is so blind 
That from one day to another 
I found out you were the love of my life 

With competitions, points, and cute names 
With huge heart pumps and blushing 
I realized I wast lost 
In a beautiful irrational love 

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year 
A lot of festivities passed through our ears 
We realized that we had something to say 
And then boom.. the one I love, finally reacts 

I love you like words can’t explain 
I love you with al my life 
I wish you could really understand 
How freaking bad I want to be your wife 

If I look to the moon
If I look to the sky 
Everything seems color “YOU” 
Because I can’t get you off my mind 
Not even in the dark when I can’t see 
You’ve stopped being in my heart 
Not even when I’m scared and stressed 
You’ve stopped being in my mind 
Even when I feel lost and I can’t realize 
You always, ALWAYS grab me back 
You always love me back 
You always give me your heart 

It’s not easy to be in love with such a perfect man 
I wish you could see yourself with my eyes 
If you understood how big my love is 
You would understand how desperate I am about my dreams

This is a story 
Not only about the past 
This is the prophecy 
About us being one

With some months
And I would even wait for years 
I’ll meet the love of my life 
And I’ll look at his eyes 

Brown eyes, cute nose 
Little ears, dark lashes 
Perfect eyebrows, beautiful teeth 
Thick lips, big heart 

Does it ring to you? 
That’s the love of my life 
And there’s nothing that drives me crazier 
Than the touch of his hand 
Now that I have you here with me 
I can realize 
That I’ll never let you go 
I’ll never let off your hand 

Our love is meant to be 
You are my biggest challenge 
And I’m up to do EVERYTHING I can 
To always be your owner 

You’re mine, I’m yours 
You love me, I love you
You hear me, I hear you 
And I’ll be always be here for you 

You can’t love yourself? I’ll love us for both of us 
You are sad? I’ll be the energy for both 
Is it too much? I’ll be your filter 
You need help? I’ll be out support 

I’ll always be here when you need me 
I will always be yours 
I will always do anything we need 
For us to forever be us 

I love you with my heart and soul 
I adore you so much that one day 
We’ll find together the way 
For live the dream being awake 

I love you best friend 
I love you boyfriend 
I love you Adalberto 馃挅


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