
Hello Baby 馃か Read this 1st

 Hey baby! 馃槒 SURPRISEEEEEE!馃コ  HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY MY LOVE 馃挆 I bet you are extra confused.. well, I hope I surprised you! This gifts are the best 馃グ I hope I didn’t went too hardcore with this gift 馃槼 but I hope you freaking enjoy it baby... I love you like words can’t explain and like a poem will never be enough to express, and that is the reason why, today my gift for you issssss A FULL BLOG FOR MY BABY 馃コ馃挆馃槏 You have 6 windows after this one in here... you will be able to find stuff like the reasons why I love you and many more secrets... I recommend you to open the first ones in order and the last ones that say “Open when...” just follow the rule and open them when you are feeling like that! 馃グ I hope it’s not too cliche baby but I do this because you deserve the universe and beyond of beyond. I can’t spend one day without you and I want to think the same about you, so that is the reason why you’ll have a lot of my feelings and thoughts to read about for the next days! 馃槏 Beca

Reasons why I love you 馃槏

  I love you because ...  - I love you because you are mine, because we are one, because we have became a couple and a powerful one. -I love you because I can trust you, you are my personal journal and I couldn’t be more excited to tell you everything I know. -I love you because you are the first person I think about when I wake up and when I go to sleep.   -I love you because you are the person I think about when exciting things happen in my life (and even the bad ones). -I love you because you are always here for me, to hear me and make me feel better. - I love you because we smile together. -I love you because you trust me, because you have learnt to trust me and tell me your fears.  -I love you because we have grown together, of our personal mistakes and our mistakes as a couple. We have learnt so much about how to treat each other and I hope that process is eternal.  -I love you because we make each other stronger. -I love you because we make each other a better person. -I love yo

When we met and when we will meet 馃枊馃挄

Once upon a time, I was there Alone and bored I looked up to do something Well, I couldn’t do nothing more I found this website, Yellow its logo was, And with time I discovered something That completely changed my life. More than a poem  This is a story  About a boy and a girl  That found their path  Not in the forest, not in the sand  The path to both of their hearts. In the shine of modern love  In the smiles of modern solutions  Just in an app I found someone  That with a slide, apparently, we made contact  Hey! How are you?  Fine, how are you?  I’m great.. you wanna talk in snap?  And poof... a prince he always was  On top of my head I couldn’t say the time  But I’m sure the 20th of September it was  You know what they say, well, on the most regular days  You find the highest point of happiness of your life  It started with baseball chats  With me being embarrassed because I wish I knew more馃槶 Then we started talking like friends  Wanting to know about each other even more  Everyth

Open when you miss me ☺️

Do you miss me baby? You miss my craziness and passion? My moments of drama queen? You miss my picada moments when you forget to tell me you love me baby? Well, don’t worry... I’M HERE!馃ズ馃槱 I know it’s easy to miss me..馃槈 naaaaaaah I’m kidding baby. I don’t even know if you’ll read this, maybe you never will 馃槼 but seriously baby, I love you so much okay??馃ズ There’s not too much to say if you miss me, well if you do then GO AND LOOK FOR ME! There’s nothing I love more than a random call or a pretty text baby, remember to be patient with me too okay?馃槼 I love you to the moon and back and I cannot wait to go back to you too baby... believe me that I MISS YOU TOO馃槶 And for that, in here I’ll leave some pics of mine so you don’t forget about my face okay baby馃槼馃グ I LOOOOOVEEE YOOOOUUUU!! Mi pr铆ncipe perfecto❤️ I’ll come back soon okay? Everything will be alright 

Open when you are sad 馃槪馃挋

 Oh baby... I hope you barely get to read this... by being the love of my life I NEVER want you to be sad... I just want you to enjoy, be happy, be the boy I love and for you to shine... but don’t worry baby, we will always go back to that and I’m here to help.  Maybe you won’t read this, because you are a little bit proud 馃槼 but this is not for you to need it baby, it’s for you to get better. I know that sometimes we get sad about stuff, it could be anything! Something stupid, something big or just a bad day...  Do you remember the times I’ve been in a bad mood? How I automatically feel better when I talk to you even tho sometimes it takes a little bit? Well, don’t worry baby because your wife is here and this is a sign for you to go and get her and talk to her about what is going on. I might not be a famous philosopher or psychologist or anything special to help you, I might not be the best girlfriend somethings and I might not be the smartest 馃槼 and I bet that i don’t even know the

Open when you need reassurance 馃挅

Hey baby... it’s me... your girlfriend!!! Do you remember when we said we loved each other for the first time? Or when we told each other that we are the love of our lives?  I know is difficult to always feel safe and sure... but that’s all that love is, feeling comfortable with each other and trusting each other, and still, sometimes we feel insecure and we need reassurance. Well baby, if you feel like this, just answer this questions: Who gave you the best present ever on your birthday being some poems?  Who gave you the best Saint Valentines present ever being that a blog?  I mean, look at this, it’s literally a blog made only for you馃槼 it’s even corny I could say 馃ズ馃ゴ馃グ I’m shy to admit it but just get to understand how fucking much I love you!  Don’t EVER feel insecure about us, remember you are my daddy, my baby, my prince, my Greek god, my hubby, my boyfriend, my best friend and my EVERYTHING!  You are who I want to wake up to every single day and who I want to go to sleep with.

Open when you are mad at me 馃ズ

 Well baby... I want to start off saying that I’m happy and proud that you got here when you needed to read this. I know you are mad at me, well, I’m not perfect I have to say... I’m even a fool and dumb sometimes, making mistakes that I didn’t figure out at the moment and then just regretting everything...  If you are mad, the first and only thing you need to read and hear from me right now is that I love you. Remember our promises, remember our good days, remember our fun nights, remember us playing riddles or among us til 6 in the morning or just talking about trivial stuff. You’ve became my everything, my ride or die, and now that you are mad at me, I want to tell you something else. I want to take this opportunity to say something maybe you aren’t giving me the chance right now to say, and it is that you are not only my boyfriend but my best friend and my husband. Do you remember when I told you my love for you is so infinite that it even becomes irrational? Remember that baby. Al